concealed carry top choice.... 10 rounds, small frame, light weight, easy to handle and shoot in a hurry. A great purse gun for your wife, pocket gun, ankle gun, you name it.. Its nice to have if you need it.. $499
NEW FN America 502 Tactical .22LR
threaded barrel-suppressor ready
laser sight pictured not included in price.
comes with two 15 round mags
NEW Ruger Mini 14 ranch stainless with synthethic stock. .223 or 5.56 Nato. comes with standard capacity mags. Also have high capacity ones available for purchase. $1150 with standard mags.
NEW Winchester Wildcat .22LR CAMO rifle
This is an excellent plinker, learner, varmit hunter, name brand rifle with some modern flares.. upper and lower rails, ect.
ONLY $399
NEW RUGER 10/22 Stainless with synthetic Stock.
NEW AMMO (not reloaded)
S & B .45 Ammo 50 round box - NEW
CCI BLAZER .45 ammo 50 round box.
MAGTECH .40 S&W 50 rounds
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9 mm federal 50 round box
250 Round .22LR pack
250 roud .22LR hollow points
FN 5.7x28 blue tip 50 rd
$34 w/ tax included
Frontier 5.56 NATO
Military grade 20 round box.
Federal 25 rd box 12 gauge heavy game load$24 w/ tax
Federal 20 gauge 25 rds
heavy game load
$19 w/tax included
50 round .22LR $4/box w tax
NEW KIMBER 1911 shadow fullsized
This is a high quality highly accurate custom 45.
NEW Ruger Security 9 compact w laser sight
concealed carry top choice.... 10 rounds, small frame, light weight, easy to handle and shoot in a hurry. A great purse gun for your wife, pocket gun, ankle gun, you name it.. Its nice to have if you need it.. $499